I first started talking to Nanda about North Grafton condos in August of 2017. Yes, 2017!
He was asking general questions, two townhomes in the Forrest Hills condo complex, one on Lincoln Lane and one on Lordvale Blvd had caught his eye.
He is an engineer and used his analytical mind to try and understand the values of these two units. How did the market determine prices? How could the square footage deviate from the town records so much? How did a market analysis work? Could a sale price be supported by hard data?
And after doing a bit of browsing to understand the market, Nanda drifted away, content to monitor MLS information. He and his wife were going to need a new home for their growing family at some point in the future. He was laying the groundwork. He wanted to be ready.
He was right to take such a long view. At the end of 2018, Nanda’s search kicked up in earnest. A new Pre-Approval Letter, endless Open Houses, quick showings scheduled to keep him ahead of the pack of Buyers circling for homes, kept him busy when not spending long hours at work. He saw many townhomes but they seemed lacking for one reason or another.
In October 2018, a condo in the Flint Pond Estates came on the market. At the end of December, after 2 months on the market, it had a price adjustment and it was getting near to their target budget. He and Renuka liked the layout, the light filled space, the finished basement, the quiet location at the end of the cul de sac. He watched the home, and a few more weeks passed, made an Offer to the Seller in January, 2019. His Offer was rejected, the Seller countered with a slight discount on price, but without encouragement for further back and forth. Ah well.
In the meantime, other condos were coming on the market. Maybe one of these newer condos in Ashland would meet the family’s needs? Homes were going under agreement in that complex fast. And an Offer was made, but a cash deal was accepted. So… back to watching.
A few weeks later another townhouse on Lincoln Lane came on market. Nanda visited that home three times, with his broker, with his friend and then again with the family. In the end, it was not quite the right house for them.
All the while, the townhome in Flint Pond was still on the market. Maybe the Seller was getting tired of waiting? The home was vacant. No offers had come in. It was simply priced too high. So another Offer was made in February. A firm counteroffer by the Owner explaining no negotiations beyond their target. The Owner was prepared to rent the unit if they could not get their price. Back to waiting.
Nanda was clearly getting concerned. Fewer homes were coming on the market. His lease was to end soon, and while we has a good relationship with the landlord to extend the term, it was time to make this move happen.
Strangely then, early March, everything happened at once. Nanda’s good friend was having a condo come on to the market in Shrewsbury. And, at the same time, the owner of the condo at Flint Pond reached out. The owner wanted to know if Nanda was still interested in buying his unit – at Nanda’s price. Well, a quick round of showings one Friday evening to see the friend’s property and to again look at the condo in Flint Pond…
Nanda has navigated the loan paperwork, home inspections, purchase & sale agreement and small details of a home purchase very mindfully. He is the model Home Buyer – keeping the lines of communication very open, on all aspects of the deal. Each step was discussed, understood, coordinated and monitored. And, now, his tremendous patience has come to fruition. Keys to this wonderful home, April 2019 just in time!